Scheimpflug scans sets, environments, and architecture for VFX, CGI, Video Games, building, construction, and restoration purposes. We use lidar as well as photogrammetry and can output to various specs and formats.

How Long Does It Take?
On average, we can scan a room in three hours - depending on the size of the room.

Post Production
We deliver raw point clouds as well as clean meshes or retopologized models with textures.

Crew Size
We typically send a team of two - one will do the lidar scanning, and one will do the photogrammetry. We send a larger crew for larger projects.

Use Cases
Having your set scanned gives you a number of benefits - including the ability to virtually extend your set, many pre vis applications, camera tracking, among other possibilities.

We Travel Worldwide
We can fly anywhere and scan just about anything.

File Turn Around Time
Raw data could be handed over immediately - but rendered data depends on the amount of cleanup needed. The average range is a day or two, but we've had projects that we've spent weeks rendering.